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    My Mom’s Story of Miscarriage

    Posted On 05/14/2017

    First, I would like to thank my mom for allowing me to share her story. She was very open to the idea and didn’t mind answering ALL of my questions.

    Between the fact that my mom was 41 years old when she gave birth to me and the fact that my sister is 10 years older than me, I often get asked (jokingly) if I was an “accident”. I learned early on that I wasn’t an “accident”. My parents wanted a second child.

    My mom had my sister at the age of 31. She started trying for her second child at the age of 38. Statics show that women who are older have difficulties with getting pregnant naturally and are also at a higher risk of experiencing complications during pregnancy. It doesn’t mean that it’s impossible, it just may be a little harder. Needless to say, my mom understands this all too well.

    My mom was pregnant five times in three years. Yes, FIVE TIMES!  Four of the pregnancies resulted in a miscarriage. One of her miscarriages was an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is when the egg is fertilized and planted outside of the uterus. As a result, she had to have surgery to have the fetus removed from her tubes. Had she not gone to the hospital in time, my mom most likely would have died.

    On her fifth attempt, my mom was pregnant with me. Most people were surprised that she was 41 years old and pregnant. They also didn’t realized that she was pregnant because she only gained eight pounds while she was pregnant with me. The only blemish during this pregnancy was that I decided that I wanted to be breach. The doctors tried to flip me over at one of her appointments, but I was stubborn (that’s one thing that hasn’t changed about me). She scheduled a C-section a few days before my due date. Funny enough the morning of her scheduled C-section, my mom started having contractions while she was getting my sister ready for school. A few hours later, I was born a HEALTHY 8 pound and 11 ounce baby.

    I have never experienced a miscarriage myself so I can’t say that I understand the emotions associated with miscarriage. However, being the baby that survived nine months in the womb that was occupied by four other babies that didn’t survive, does offer me a different perspective on life.

    From time to time, I question my existence and if I really have a purpose. This story serves as a reminder that God wanted me here on this earth for a reason. My mom endured so much to have me and it makes me realize that I can’t take my life for granted.

    The same strength and persistence that my mother showed in trying to have her second child is the same strength and persistence I aspire to use to get through hard times in my life. She didn’t let the fact that she was older or the fact that she miscarried four times discourage her. My mom’s story helps me understand why I shouldn’t allow obstacles to discourage me and why I should never give up.

    If you are reading this and you feel discouraged in some aspect of your life, don’t give up and know that you have purpose!

    Had my mom given up, I wouldn’t have been able to write this.


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