Simply Unedited- Simply Kymtastic turns 2!

Posted On 01/15/2019

2 years ago today I launched My first post was me revealing that I quit my job as a teacher halfway through the school year. After that, I shared everything from my struggles with my love life to my struggles with my health.

It’s been 7 months since y’all have heard from me.

Since June,

I moved back in with my parents,

I started a new job,

I had my heart broken (for the billionth time),

I was accepted to speak at a national conference,

and I planned and hosted my first event as a business owner.

My lack of blogging wasn’t due to a busy schedule or laziness. I was simply going through a transformation. Before I could process one situation, I was deep into something else.

My words typically flow out, but writing became hard. I realized that my thoughts were incomplete. I didn’t have clarity or closure from what I was experiencing. It’s important for me to share what I’ve learned from a situation to inspire others. I wasn’t happy with my words and I didn’t feel comfortable sharing my story. I find writing to be therapeutic, but it takes a lot to publish some of the deeper parts of me with the world.

Through my transformation, I realized that my stories are important to share… simply as they are. I’ve spent the majority of my life attempting to edit myself to fit into someone else’s script. But editing myself wasn’t doing me any favors. I’ve made the decision to simply live the life that God has written for me. I’m ready to be simply unedited…through my work and through my words.

In 2019, I vow to share more of my story,

more of my journey,

and more of what makes me Simply Kymtastic.


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  • Nickie Sarjeant 01/16/2019 at 12:15 AM

    Life isn’t perfect and we aren’t perfect. God made us all perfect flawed people. We all have a story and go through something that may help and inspire someone else.

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